Adding Beauty and function to data
Jake_the_Human || Jekabs Zarins
Would like to hear more about my work? Get in contact through Linkedin or E-mail!
Who am I?

I (Jekabs Zarins) am a front-end developer and UI/UX designer based out of Riga, Latvia.
Professional history
Ever since the last year of school, I've been working as a front-end developer and UI/UX designer at a company named "19 Points", working on both smaller scale landing pages, up to full saas level applications. You can keep up with what I am doing and what im thinking in my blog.
My education
Riga Art and Media school is a high school and collage (aka. a technikum) where I finished a 4-year coarse in multi-media design, specializing in web design. During my studies I learned everything from basic graphic design principles to how to design logos and website UI's of different levels of complexity.
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